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Lumecca IPL Photofacial

Cataleya Aesthetics

Aesthetic Clinics located in San Jose, CA

What is Intense Pulse Light and How Can it Improve My Skin?

Intense pulsed light (IPL), aka Photofacial therapy, can treat various skin conditions and improve the tone and radiance of your skin. IPL uses light-generated heat to break down pigmented brown spots, constrict and diminish broken capillaries, and stimulate collagen synthesis. It is a gentle method that works with the body’s natural ability to eliminate destroyed cells and promote new cell growth. Just one treatment will visibly transform your skin for the better.

Dr. Reyes-Villa, Olga Dzhulay, RN-BSN, and their team at Cataleya Aesthetics are proud to offer Lumecca IPL by Inmode. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more about this transformative treatment by requesting an appointment online or calling our office at (408) 629-7097.  

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What is Intense Pulse Light and How Can it Improve My Skin?

Intense pulsed light (IPL), aka Photofacial therapy, can treat various skin conditions and improve the tone and radiance of your skin. IPL uses light-generated heat to break down pigmented brown spots, constrict and diminish broken capillaries, and stimulate collagen synthesis. It is a gentle method that works with the body’s natural ability to eliminate destroyed cells and promote new cell growth. Just one treatment will visibly transform your skin for the better.

Dr. Reyes-Villa, Olga Dzhulay, RN-BSN, and their team at Cataleya Aesthetics are proud to offer Lumecca IPL by Inmode. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more about this transformative treatment by requesting an appointment online or calling our office at (408) 613-2899.

Lumecca IPL Benefits

  • Reduces unwanted pigmentation
    1. sunspots (solar lentigines)
    2. age spots (brown spots)
    3. freckles
  • Reduces vascular lesions
    1. facial spider veins
    2. broken capillaries (telangiectasias)
  • Reduces redness and rosacea
  • Reduces mild acne and acne scarring
  • Reduces enlarged pores and oil glands
  • Brightens skin complexion
  • Increases collagen production
  • Lightens up port wine stains
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces unwanted facial hair
  • Treats hyper-pigmentation such as melasma*
  • Non-Invasive
  • Short downtime
  • Minimal discomfort

* Subject to individual assessment and evaluation

What makes Lumecca IPL different?

Lumecca IPL by InMode is one of the most powerful IPLs in the industry. Its high pick power and optimized output effectively treat pigmented and vascular lesions. Results can be achieved in 1-3 sessions compared to 4-6 sessions required by other IPL devices. After just one use, clients notice a significant improvement in the complexion and clarity of their skin. In addition, Lumecca features a sapphire cooling tip, which makes the procedure comfortable. Lumecca is commonly used to treat the face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms, and legs.

photo of Cataleya Aesthetics

Lumecca FAQ

What is the Pricing of Lumecca IPL treatment?

Individual sessions range from $150 to $650, depending on the area/areas to be treated. A precise quote is provided during the consultation when your provider can hear your concerns and assess the area you would like to address with Lumecca treatment.

Am I a candidate for Lumecca photofacial?

Lumecca works best for persons with:

  • Lighter skin tones (Fitzpatrick skin type I-IV)
  • No tanning within the last 3-4 weeks
  • Skin pigmentation caused by aging, medication, or sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Shallow acne scarring with large pores
  • Facial spider veins and broken capillaries
  • Rosacea
  • Melasma treatment is possible but needs additional assessment and preparation.

When is Lumecca IPL contraindicated?

  • Persons with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick V-VI)
  • Persons currently taking medication Accutane. Please wait at least six months after stopping Accutane to receive Lumecca treatment.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What areas can be treated?

Lumecca IPL can be used on almost all areas of the body. The most common areas of treatment are zones regularly exposed to the sun. This often includes the face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms, and legs.

How many sessions are required?

An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session. Multiple sessions provide even better results. On average, our clients have 1-3 Lumecca IPL treatments. The treatment regimen depends on the severity of skin damage, skin type, and indication (vascular vs. pigmentation)

How quickly will I see results?

Sun damage, vascular lesions, and skin complexion improvements can be seen a few days after the first session. Your skin will continue to improve over time, with the most visible results after two weeks. Sometimes multiple sessions are needed to attain the desired result.

Does it hurt?

You will feel a tingling sensation or a “tap,” similar to the light snap of an elastic band. We offer optional numbing cream if the face is being treated.

Are there any side effects?

Although rare, side effects are possible with any laser or light treatment, including bruising, blistering, scabbing, and temporary change in skin pigmentation. Cataleya Aesthetics team follows strict safety protocols. We conduct detailed skin and health history assessments and client education to minimize the possibility of any adverse effects.

What should I do before my treatment?

  • Avoid tanning 3-4 weeks before treatment and use at least 30 SPF sunblock.
  • Avoid topical irritant agents for 3-5 days before treatment.
  • Avoid anticoagulants for 7-10 days before treatment if medically permitted by your physician.
  • Shave the hair in the treatment areas.
  • Please inform your provider of any recent health or medication history changes.

What should I expect during my first treatment?

  • All your questions and concerns will be addressed.
  • We will ensure you are comfortable and your privacy is protected.
  • Lumecca settings will be adjusted according to your skin type, lesion type (sun damage or vascular), and comfort level.
  • We will provide special goggles for eye protection.
  • Cool gel will be applied to the treatment area.
  • You will experience tingling, warmth, or a light tap on the skin, similar to a mild elastic rubber band snap.
  • Even with eye protection, you might sense a flash of bright light, especially if we are working on your face. That is normal. We encourage you to keep your eyes closed for safety and more comfort.
  • Depending on the size of the treatment area and the type of lesions being treated, the procedure may last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes.
  • Aloe Vera gel and sunblock are available to apply immediately after the treatment.
  • Make-up may be applied immediately as well.

What should I expect after my treatment?

  • Redness and slight skin warming are expected after the treatment. However, the sensation usually subsides within a couple of hours.
  • Over the next 24-48 hours, you will observe pigmented lesions getting darker. They might look like coffee grounds – that is entirely normal. Dark lesions will dry and gently flake off within 10-14 days. Do not rub or scratch treated areas. You may use mild facial scrub one-week post-treatment.
  • After treating vascular lesions, you may see them blanch and disappear or change to a darker color, which dissipates after a few days.

What should I do after my treatment?

  • You can apply a cool compress (not ice) to the treatment area for comfort.
  • Use gentle skin care.
  • Sun block should be used regularly for at least three weeks following each treatment session. We highly recommend incorporating sun protection into your everyday routine after that.
  • Moisturizer and makeup may be applied immediately after the treatment.
  • Cataleya Aesthetics team might recommend skin care products to enhance and maintain the results of your treatment.

What should I NOT do after my treatment?

  • Expose skin to heat, such as being under the sun, in the sauna, or Jacuzzi for one week.
  • Expose skin to the sun without sunblock.
  • Apply harsh skin care products such as acids and retinoids within two weeks of your treatment.
  • Pick on the skin if any scabbing or irritation is present.

If you are ready to reverse years of sun damage and restore your skin’s even tone and radiance, call Cataleya Aesthetics at (408) 613-2899 or request an appointment through our website today.

our services


Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

Strengthens and tightens skin, improves texture, and contours the face.



PRF Plasmatherapy for Skin and Hair

Improves healing, nourishes skin, and stimulates hair growth.



Fractora RF Microneedling

Improves acne scarring and reduces skin crepiness, fine lines, and wrinkles.



CosmoPen Microneedling

Stimulates collagen and elastin production, tightens pores, and improves skin tone and texture.



Lumecca IPL PhotoFacial

Reduces unwanted pigmentation and sun damage, shrinks facial veins and broken capillaries, reduces acne, and evens skin tone.



Botox Injections

Reduce dynamic wrinkles, prevent wrinkles from becoming permanent, smooth out skin, and reduce pore size.



Dermal Filler Injections

Plump lips, replenish lost facial volume and can be used for facial balancing.



Forma and Forma Plus RF Skin Tightening

Stimulates collagen and elastin production to smooth and tighten skin.



DiolazeXL Laser Hair Removal

Effectively and permanently reduces unwanted facial and body hair.



HydraFacial and
Custom Facials

Clears, exfoliates, deeply hydrates, and nourishes the skin. Addresses multiple skin issues, from acne to aging.



Chemical Peels

Go beyond exfoliating and treat problem-prone skin, combat aging, reduce pore size, and stimulate skin regeneration.



Clinical Grade Skin Care

Customized to each client’s needs and can dramatically improve skin hydration, tone, texture, and overall health.



BodyFX and MiniFX RF Body Contouring

Help to reduce unwanted “stubborn” fat and tighten the skin.



Vasculaze Spider Vein Treatment

Effectively reduces the appearance of body spider veins and vascular lesions.